Our Machine Learning Projects and their Glossary

You can find below a list of all our major machine learning projects so far alongside an glossary of a few helpful machine learning terms. It should be noted that this glossary is extremely basic – it is only meant to provide a functional understanding of some of the terms used in our articles. For a more in-depth explanation, we encourage you to consult more detailed resources like this one.

Our Projects

The Tabla, Violin and Piano Classifier 

The Genre Classifier 

The Instrument Classifier 

The Raag Project 

The Glossary

CQT: A type of audio features which are used in machine learning.

Embeddings: The partially processed outputs of a neural network

MFCC: A type of audio features which is used in machine learning. They are supposed to mimic the experience of the human ear better than other features.

Neuron: The smallest unit of a neural network, a node which receives an input and produces an output.

TensorFlow: A machine learning Python library which we use heavily throughout our work.

Test Set: The set of data on which a model is finally tested to evaluate its performance

Training Set: The set of data on which a model is trained

Validation Set: The set of data on which the model is tested regularly to check what is needed to be done to enhance its performance.

YAMNet: A pre-existing TensorFlow model which we use to help process our data.

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One thought on “Our Machine Learning Projects and their Glossary

  1. Good work. Opening new areas and relating
    Thsee to music culture of this sub continent..


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